Bad Credit: Options for Refinancing a Mortgage

Like many people, the recession hit me pretty hard. Thanks to a job loss, I got behind on some of my credit cards. Even though I did mange to make the mortgage payment every month, my credit rating nose-dived. While things did get better, I still wondered if it would be possible to refinance my mortgage with bad credit. After talking with a few lenders, I found out that my situation was not unique. I also found lenders who were willing to work with me. I managed to get terms that will save me money over the life of that mortgage. If your credit has taken a beating, don't assume that refinancing is out of the question. I'll share how I researched options and found a lender who offered a good deal. You could find that refinancing your mortgage is within your reach.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bail Bonds

Finance & Money Articles

If you have found yourself behind bars, there is a good chance you will be granted bail. Bail is designed to allow you the opportunity to get out of jail while you are awaiting trial. This allows you to provide for yourself by working and to work on your defense. However, if you have never been in this position before, you may have many questions about bail bonds and bail bond companies. Here are a few frequently asked questions about bail bonds.

Do I Have to Use a Bail Bonds Company?

Most people find themselves wondering if they have to use a bail bonds company. Nothing states that you have to use one of these companies. If you choose to not use a bail bonds company, then you would have to come up with the full amount of bail before getting out of jail. When you use a bail bond company, you typically only have to come up with a partial amount of bail, typically around ten percent of the total bond. For example, if your bail is set for $100,000, you would only need to come up with $10,000 instead of the full amount of bail.

Another big difference between using a bail bond company and posting bail yourself is what you get back when charges are dropped, you plead out your case, or a verdict is given. When you post your own bail with the courts, you get all of your bail money back, less a small administration few. When you pay a bail bonds company to post bail on your behalf, you receive no money back, even if charges are dropped or you are found not guilty. 

Can a Bail Bondsman Negotiate My Bail Amount?

When someone is in custody and bail has been set by the courts, then that is the bail amount. The bail bonds company, someone like All-Mobile Bail Bonds, is not able to negotiate a lower bail amount for you. The company is strictly the middle person between you and the courts. While they are helping you to get out and continue on with your life, they are also satisfying the courts by agreeing to the courts that you will adhere to the terms of your bail and be at your required court appearances. The defense attorney or public defender can request to the courts that your bond be lowered at a bond reduction hearing, but not the bond company. 

When And Why Can a Bail Bonds Company Revoke My Bond?

A bail bonds company may revoke your bond for a variety of reasons. If you fail to pay them the remaining amount of the bail according to their terms, if you fail to show up to required court-ordered classes or if you fail to show up to a court appearance, your bond may be revoked.

While it is not very common that a bail bonds company will revoke someone's bond, they may do so if they believe that the person that is being accused will not show up for their scheduled court date or that they may be at risk of committing another crime. When it comes down to who is responsible for the accused while they are out on bond, it will be the bail bonds company. When they surrender the accused back to law enforcement they will have to petition to the courts to still collect the bond premium from the accused. 

Getting answers to the questions you have about bail will help you to best understand the process. This can eliminate some of the confusion you have if this is the first time you have found yourself in this situation.  


12 December 2015